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Nexperia HEF4538B Dual precision monostable multivibrator 4. Functional diagram 001aae727 1A 1CEXT 1REXT/CEXT 7 6 1Q 1Q 1B 1CD 5 1 2 4 3 2A 2CEXT 2REXT/CEXT HEF4538BP PDF DOWNLOAD - Integrated Circuits (ICs) Logic - Multivibrators NXP USA Inc. HEFBP, Obsolete item. HEFBP, NXP USA Inc. ND DigiKey. NXP Semiconductors HEFBP. HEF4538 DATASHEET PDF - DATA SHEET. Product specification. File under Integrated Circuits, IC January INTEGRATED CIRCUITS. HEFB. MSI. Dual precision monostable. Nexperia. HEF4538BP PDF - Integrated Circuits (ICs) Logic - Multivibrators NXP USA Inc. HEFBP, Obsolete item. HEFBP, NXP USA Inc. ND DigiKey. NXP Semiconductors HEFBP. HEF4538BP PDF - Product Index Integrated Circuits (ICs) Logic - Multivibrators NXP USA Inc. HEFBP, Obsolete item. HEFBP, NXP USA Inc. HEFBP from NXP at low prices. January 19955Philips SemiconductorsProduct specificationDual precision monostable multivibratorHEF4538BMSIAC CHARACTERISTICSVSS =0V; Tamb =25 C; CL = 50 pF; input transition times ≤ 20 nsVDD datasheet search, datasheets, Datasheet search site for Electronic Components and Semiconductors. HEF4538BP datasheet, HEF4538BP datasheets, HEF4538BP pdf, HEF4538BP circuit : PHILIPS - Dual precision monostable multivibrator ,alldatasheet, datasheet, Datasheet search site for Electronic Components and Semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. HEF4538BP datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. 1 thoughts on “ Hef4538bp pdf ” I congratulate, this brilliant idea is necessary just by the way Samuramar 22.01.2017. I think, that you are not right. HEF4538BP, datasheet for HEF4538BP - Dual precision monostable multivibrator provided by NXP Semiconductors. HEF4538BP pdf documentation and HEF4538BP application notes, selection guide. 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HEF4538BP,652 NXP Semiconductors Monostable Multivibrator DUAL MONO MULTIVIB RETRIG/RESET datasheet, inventory, & pricing. Даташит поиск по электронным компонентам в формате pdf на русском языке. Бесплатная база.