Acpi pnp0a0a driver
Just got a new H87I-plus for my haswell build and I cannot seem to find a driver for this unknown device. I've attached a screen shot below. Any thoughts. 这是ACPI\INT33A0(Intel SCT)驱动,是一款支持64位Win10的芯片组驱动,版本号为10.0.25,且通过了WHQL认证,当然还适用于32和64位的. I recently tought that my keyboard crashed this driver. So i switched to old keyboard i have via PS2 port. Everything worked fine and i tought problems AOA2011 Lenovo\FORCED\AOACx64\lad.inf MFG0.NTAMD64 01/13/2012, MFG0 0 Lenovo AOAC driver AOA2011 Lenovo\FORCED\AOACx64\lad.inf MFG0.NTX86 01/13/2012,1.0. 藤小二電腦修配坊. 跳到主文. 本店位在台中市一中街!別無分店!修配坊提供桌上型電腦專業檢修服務,為合法登記營業並.